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Other features

Navigation Menu:

On the left of the page, there is a column containing both your recently viewed documents, aswell as the recently updated page that you have access to.

Search Functionality:

If you have a specific query, use the search functionality. Look for a search bar, located at the top of the page. Enter keywords, they can be either a title or a piece of content from a document, and the sofware will display all occurrencies of that keyword from all the documentation you have access to.

Breadcrumb Navigation:

There is also a breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page. It shows your current location within the knowledgebase. You can use it to backtrack or jump to higher-level categories.

Settings and Preferences:

If you have a user account, explore the settings or preferences section. Here, you might find options to customize your experience, such as theme selection or notification settings.