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How to: use attributes for advanced search

To search for specific items in the Customer Care platform fill the search bar on the top of the left-sided panel in the main page.

You can use attributes as follow:

  • Number: Search for a Ticketnumber (Example: number:1118566, number:11185*).
  • Title: If you need to use spacings in the search phrase, use quotes. Search engine will do a AND-Search over the given words. You can also use a single keyword without quotation (Example:  title:'some title', title:Printer, title: 'some ti*').
  • Created_at: You can either use a simple date, a date-range or >now-xh. Please note that the date format needs to be YYYY-MM-DD (Example: created_at:2018-11-18, created_at:[2018-11-15 TO 2018-11-18], created_at:>now-1h).
  • You can filter for specific ticket states (and even combine them with an OR). Please note that you need to use the english namings for states, unless you have custom ticket states defined in your instance. (Example: new, OR open).
  • Article.from: Shows all tickets that contain articles from 'xxx' (Example: article.from:'xxx').
  • Article.body: Shows every ticket containing the word 'zzz' - you can also use the fuzzy operator '~' to search for similar words. The system will also allow you to use regular expressions (Example: article.body:heat, article.body:heat~).

For more details on search attributes you can into System Documentation at