How to: submit an order
Select desired products and add them to your online cart.
Proceed to checkout.
Enter information related to specific conditions of the products and services implementation.
Provide payment details securely.
Review order details.
Confirm and place the order.
Receive an order confirmation.
NB: In case of special requirements e.g. the need to the service provider participation in the public tender, please send detailed request and description of the necessary steps, documents, conditions and deadlines and provide the contact persons.
SCM example: On the main page of, select the menu item MEMBERSHIP and then Requesting services and click on it.
The following note will appear in the window:
Smart City Monitor services and project implementation support are available to municipalities and local utility service providers under the relevant contractual agreements.
Send us the request by using the contact form and the official representative of the Smart City Monitor provider will contact you promptly to discuss relevant details and make an offer.
You need to click on the contact form, fill it out and submit it.