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DOME - Distributed Open Marketplace for Cloud and Edge Services in Europe

With this aim, the first call of the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL-2021-CLOUD-AI-01) pressed for actions to deploy and operate a Marketplace for federated cloud-to-edge based services. The project DOME consortium of 39 members coming from 14 EU Member States, including 11 large enterprises, 24 SMEs, 2 research institutions, 6 non-profit organisations and 2 public bodies was selected and over the course of 36 months starting on 1 January 2023 will:

  • Deploy the technical infrastructure of the marketplace platform, with strong customer focus, user-friendliness, and inclusion and equality principles;
  • Operate the platform according to security, energy and resource efficiency, data protection, ethical standards and portability requirements;
  • Ensure the integration of state-of-the-art identity and access management services on the marketplace platform to support its operation;
  • Design a curation/vetting process for services offered on the marketplace, notably for sector-specific services in regulated sectors (e.g. health, energy, finance);
  • Implement interconnections with similar marketplaces and service catalogues that already exist in some Member States;
  • Enable access, through a single EU portal, to an online catalogue of existing cloud-to-edge based service offerings that are compliant with a pre-defined set of EU rules and requirements available in the forthcoming EU Cloud Rulebook;
  • Implement a service brokerage functionality to enable transactions between providers and users to take place on the Marketplace; and
  • Ensure a vendor-neutral technical architecture and reference framework.