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How to: sort catalog result

Sorting catalog results allows you to organize search results based on specific criteria, such as price, relevance, popularity, etc. Here's how you can do it:

    • Access the DOME Marketplace catalog: Start by navigating to the DOME Marketplace through the online platform.

    • Perform a Search: Use the search bar to enter keywords related to the item you're looking for.

    • Locate the Sorting Options: In the DOME Marketplace, the sorting option is located at the top of the page, at the right of the search bar. Look for a button labeled "Filters". This is where you'll find options to sort search results.

    Select a Sorting Criteria: By clicking on the "Filters" button, a drop-down menu will reveal the available sorting criteria in the "Sort By??? section. Common sorting options include:
    ??1        Name: Items are sorted alphabetically based on their names.
    ??2        Last Update: Items are sorted by their publication or release date, with the newest items displayed first.

    • Select Your Preferred Sorting Option: Choose the sorting criteria that best matches your preferences by clicking on it in the dropdown menu.

    • Apply the Sorting: After selecting your preferred sorting option, apply the sorting to the search results by clicking on "Close" button.

    • Review Sorted Results: The catalog will now display search results sorted based on the criteria selected. Items will be organized according to the chosen sorting order.

    • Click on Items for More Information: Click on the listings or thumbnails of items in the sorted results to view more details, such as product descriptions, images, pricing, availability, and customer reviews.

    • Add to Cart: If you find the item you want, it is possible to add it to your cart for purchase.

    • Check Out: When you're ready to make a purchase, proceed to the checkout process to complete your transaction.

Customer support will assist you if you encounter any difficulties during the search or have questions about specific items.