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How to qualify a product

The DOME certification qualification process is one of the steps in the Product Specification process  and needs to be completed in the "Compliance profile step". The product needs to be created to be able to edit the compliance profile section.

In order to be able to get the DOME compliance profile the product owner needs to uploadselect the certificates to be included in the profile of the product offering. 

Once the certificates have been uploaded these need to be verified by the provision of signed  Verified Credentials (VCs) of the differentcertificates. supported

certifications. Only VCs from authorized entities by DOME will be accepted. The product owners can access the Compliance Module to

To get the certificationsVCs verified and getof the relatedsupported VCs.

  • offers

    Fora validation service that generates the Self-declaredVCs certifications (no validation supported)of the usercertificates canby clicka onDOME Trust Service Provider for Certification. To do so the correspondingCSP ones (all except the green ones). That certificate will change to SELF-DECLARED status. 

  • For the ones that need validation, the product owners needneeds to access the ComplianceDOME modulecompliance component (Link to the DEKRA web-page-to be updated)  to get the related VCs and upload it to the compliance profile (see How to get the VC to the supported certifications). Until the VCs are uploaded the status of the product with respect to these certifications will be  SELF-DECLARED


Only VCs from authorized entities by DOME will be accepted. The product owners can access the Compliance Module to get the certifications verified and get the related VCs.

When the VC of the certificate is uploaded to the profile the result of the validation will be updated.

Also the result of the certification validation will be updated in the portal and the product will be correspondingly classified to one of the the DOME compliance levels (see Dome Certification baseline)baseline). The service owner will get a notification about the compliance level achieved by the service.

Validation status:  The uploaded certificates can assume the following states: VERIFIED (validation passed), EXPIRED (expired certificate), SELF -DECLARED (self-declaration of certification compliance,there is no assurance from DOME about the validity ) . 

How to get the VC to the supported certifications:


After logging (with a valid DOME user) in the Compliance Module the product owner will include the evidence of the supported certifications (i.e. signed certifications in pdf format).

The validation of the certification is a process that might take time. The owner of the product will receive the resulted Verified Credentials to the successful certifications, to be stored in the wallet (through the Credential Issuance component that DOME operates).

When the VC/VPVC from the certification verification is received, the product owner shall enter the product specification, and edit the compliance profile, uploading the provided VP (composed of all the verified VCs)VC.