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Ethics Management Plan

Introduction ??? DOME Ethical aspects

The DOME solution raises Ethics issues regarding three different aspects:
1. Involvement of human participants;
2. Processing of personal data; and
3. Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Involvement of Human Participants

The involvement of human participants in the DOME activities is very limited, and regards the participation of adult volunteers, capable of providing a valid (informed) consent to their participation to DOME, in requirements assessment and feedback consultations and surveys, and similar tasks. As such, their participation does not require any kind of authorization by Ethics authorities or committees, and is allowed from an Ethical, personal and fundamental rights viewpoint provided that they receive an adequate information sheet, customised to the specific activity in which they are involved, and sign a proper informed consent form. 
Requirements, needs, and feedback will be collected mainly from the stakeholders members of the Consortium, most of all in the first phases; therefore, their participation in those tasks is part of their contribution to the solution implementation, and is covered by the project Agreements and internal policies. However, additional information could be collected  also by external stakeholders and users.
External stakeholders??? personal data will be processed following the rules and procedures described in the DOME Data Management Plan and connected procedures.
a) Criteria and procedures to identify and recruit external participants
The DOME Consortium is committed to complying with ethical principles and applicable international, EU and national law. The Consortium ensures respect for people and for human dignity, protecting the values, rights and interests of the research participants and avoiding any bias.
The responsibility for recruiting research participants ethically lies with the DOME task leaders undertaking the task. Task leaders can approach the PEO and the internal Ethics Helpdesk for advice and assistance during the selection process.
The partners will advertise the DOME activities in an open and transparent manner to recruit the volunteer stakeholders. In practical terms, this will likely involve, but is not limited to: participation to events, workshops and conferences; announcements / adverts through established communications channels (e.g. circular emails); meetings offering an opportunity for Q&A with DOME partners; and direct engagement based on knowledge from existing networks, whether through email or phone.
When conducting any surveys, questionnaires, workshops or webinars where personal information is gathered and stored, the partners will pay attention to privacy, data protection, and data management. External stakeholders??? personal data will be processed following the rules and procedures described in the DOME Data Management Plan and connected procedures.

Use of Artificial Intelligence

In the development of all AI DOME models, partners fully respect and comply with rules, regulation and recommendations regarding the use and implementation of AI tools, first of all specifying the process for how each model will be evaluated within DOME and therefore the method for ascertaining whether it is able to justify the results.
Specific attention will be given to data processing, since data, and usually personal data, are a key ingredient for AI. The Article 22 of the GDPR explicitly prohibits decisions affecting a data subject solely based on automated decision-making, unless authorised by a Union or Member State law with suitable safeguards (Article 22(2)(b)) or by explicit consent (Article 22(2)(c)). Data subjects also have the right in such cases to obtain from the data controller under Article 14 of the GDPR, ???meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.??? Of course, other important aspects of AI linked to other regulations beyond the protection of personal data will be taken into consideration as well in subsequent versions of this document.
A detailed analysis and description of the rules, legal basis, principles, procedures, and methodologies through which Ethics issues related to AI will be addressed in DOME is provided in next Subsection.