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How to set the product pricing model, managing product offerings

Product Offerings are the entities that contain the pricing models and revenue sharing info used to monetize a product specification. To list your product offerings, go to My Stock section and click on Offerings


The existing product offerings can be searched by keyword, sorted, or filtered by status and whether they are bundles or not. To filter or sort product offerings, click on Filters, choose the appropriate properties, and click on Close


Additionally, it is possible to switch between the grid view and the tabular view by clicking on the specific button.


To create a new offering click on New


In the displayed form, include the basic info of the offering. Including, its name, version, an optional description, and an optional set of places where the offering is available. Once the information has been provided click on Next


In the next step, you can choose whether your offering is a bundle or not. In this case, offering bundles are logical containers that allow you to provide new pricing models when a set of offerings are acquired together. Once selected click on Next


If you want to create a bundle you will be required to include at least two bundled offerings.


In the next step you have to select the product specification that is going to be monetized in the current offering. Once selected click on Next.



If you are creating an offering bundle, you will not be allowed to include a product specification

Then, you have to select the catalog where you want to publish you offering and click on Next


In the next step, you can optionally choose categories for you offering. Once done, click on Next


Next, it is possible to include the License or terms and conditions to be applied to the offering being created. There are three different options for prividing such information: (1) For data, there is a set of standard open data licenses that can be chosen, (2) providing custom terms and conditions using a wizzard, and (3) providing terms and conditions providing free text.


It is possible to include some SLA information attached to the offering in the step of the form. To do that, click on Define new metric button. In the displayed form. choose a metric, provide its value and click on Add metric.


Once all the metrics have been provided click on Next


The next step is the most important for the offering. In the displayed form you can create different price plans for you offering, which will be selectable by customers when acquiring the offering. If you do not include any price plan the offering it is considered free.

To include a new price plan the first step is clicking on New Price Plan


For creating the price plan, you have to provide a name, and an optional description. Then, you have to choose the type of price plan between the provided options.

The available types are: one time for payments that are made once when purchasing the offering, recurring for charges that are made periodically (e.g a monthly payment), and usage for charges that are calculated applying the pricing model to the actual usage made of the acquired service.

If you choose one time, you have to provide the price and the currency.


If you choose recurring, you have to provide the price, the currency, and the period between charges.


If you choose usage, you have to provide the unit to be accounted, the currency, and the price per unit


In addition to the basic pricing models it is possible to include price alterations using the Price Alteration section. In this regard, it is possible to provide two types of alterations: (1) Price components, enable to extend the model with a complementary pricing (e.g an initial or recurring fixed payment in a usage model). (2) fees and discounts, which are applied to the original model when some condition is satisfied (e.g a 2% discount when more that 10k calls has been made)


You can update or remove plans by clicking on the corresponding action button.


Once you have created you pricing model click on Next


In the last step of the process, you have to choose the revenue sharing model to be applied to you offering between the available ones. Once done, click on Next and then on Create.


Sellers can also edit their offerings. To do that click on the offering to be updated.


In the displayed form, change the fields you want to edit and click on Update. Note that for start selling you offering you have to update its status to Launched


It is also possible to update the Price Plans and Categories of the offering by accessing to the related tab.
