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Information consent form

 Information about your involvement and your rights

In this case, your participation will consist on [FILL WITH SPECIFICS].

  • Your responses to any workshop/webinar/testing lab discussion, or any interview/survey/questionnaire may be recorded and physical copies of such recordings will be safely stored under lock and key by the DOME partner leading the concerned activities. All the original data provided will be kept by DOME for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data were collected.
  • Whenever the information you provide is used eventually for the writing of one of the project deliverable, the Consortium will remove your name and all identifying features of that information so that your identity and experiences remain confidential (unless attribution is required and you have consented to it). You can request a copy of the data you have provided.
  • Any information that might identify you will be removed. Only the team undertaking the project will be able to access such data. Personal information received will be stored in separate files in a secure manner (including password protection where required). Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, the Consortium has an obligation to inform you of the purpose of the collection, use, storage and retention of the information you have provided. The project will only collect information that is relevant to its activities. Personal information will be stored on internal servers, and accessible only to the partners involved in DOME. The project will not transfer your personal information to third parties (i.e., people outside the project). The partners will password-protect any and all records with personal data. All computers will also have password protection to prevent access by unauthorised users. Only members of the project staff will have access to the passwords.
  • This project conforms to European Commission guidelines and comply with the current legislation. 
  • Your responses may result in unexpected and secondary findings, i.e., some information that was not the focus or primary purpose of the question(s). In such cases, you may opt out of your consent for DOME's use of the unexpected findings. Otherwise, DOME will manage the unexpected findings in the same way as the principal findings, e.g. any use of such information will be anonymised. The Consortium will report unexpected findings to the project's Privacy and Ethics Officer (PEO) and, if necessary or if the PEO so chooses, it can evaluate unexpected findings. In the unlikely event that project staff incidentally collect information or data that appears to disclose criminal or illegal activity, the project staff will follow the relevant legislation in the country where the project activity is being carried out.

    You have the following rights:

Your Rights

GDPR relevant article(s)

You can withdraw your consent to the DOME project for its processing of your personal data at any time.

Article 7

You can request access to your personal data processed by the DOME project, and information about the processing.

Article 15

You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to the DOME project in a structured, commonly used, machine readable format, where the project has processing this data in an automated way.

Article 20

If your personal data held by DOME is inaccurate, you can request that it be rectified and that this amendment should be processed without undue delay. Similarly, if you feel your personal data is incomplete, you have the right to its completion and can provide a supplementary statement.

Article 16

You have the right to be "forgotten" by requesting that your personal data be erased.

Article 17

You can request that the processing of your personal data be restricted in certain circumstances, such as where you are contesting its: accuracy; lawfulness; or that the processing of your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes you gave your consent.

Article 18

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Article 57

If you have any questions about this activity you can discuss it directly with the team and staff members carrying it out. Alternatively, you can contact Panagiotis Bouklis (

You are also free to contact Giovanni Frattini, DOME Project Coordinator, with any queries relating the project itself. The Coordinator's email address is 

Concerning the exercise of your rights, please kindly send an email to




DOME Informed Consent Form



Thank you for attending this activity organised on behalf of the DOME Project by [institution]. During this task, notes will be taken and you will be asked to provide your opinions and feedback in your professional capacity. All data collected is confidential and the results will be completely anonymous. The objectives of the Project will be explained and you will have the opportunity to ask questions about the research.

By signing the attached informed consent form, you confirm that you understand that you are consenting to participate in the DOME project funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement number 101084071) and coordinated by Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA. You confirm that you are aware that the purpose of the activities in which you are participating is to develop a cloud services marketplace for EU users from the private and public sector.

In particular:

1. I confirm that I have read and understood the attached participant information sheet and have had the opportunity to ask questions.

2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without explanation. Furthermore, I have the right to change my mind about participating in the project within one week after finishing this activity.

3. I understand that the project partners will treat confidentially all information I provide them with and it will be anonymous.

4. I agree to have the name of my organisation stated for the DOME project.

5. I understand that my participation should not result in any potential harm or discomfort or benefit.

6. I understand that activity is conducted also on the basis of a questioning technique and that I have the right to refuse to answer certain questions.

7. I agree that notes are taken during the activity to facilitate the collection of my opinions and feedback.

9. I understand that the project can be published and presented, but my anonymity will be preserved.

10. I confirm that I have been given the contact details of the partner team in charge of my involvement in the project, and I have been informed that I am free to contact Giovanni Frattini, DOME Project Coordinator, with any queries relating to my data or the project itself. The Coordinator's email address is

11. I agree to participate in this DOME Project activity.


Name of the participant: ....................................................................................

Email: ..............................................................

Tel: .................................................................

Signature of the participant: ................................................... Date...................................


Name of the staff member: .................................................................................

Email: .............................................................. Tel: ..................................................................

Signature of the staff member: ..................................................     Date........................