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How to: open a new request

Creating a new ticket within the DOME project's customer support and ticketing platform is a straightforward process that allows customers to swiftly communicate their inquiries or report issues. Customers should follow these steps to initiate a new ticket:

  • Login: ensure you are logged into the platform using your credentials. If you're a new user, refer to the "Access and Navigation" section for guidance on account creation.
  • Navigate to Ticket Creation: locate and select the "Create New Ticket" option represented by ???+??? button, accessible from the main navigation menu.


  • Fill in Ticket Details: complete the required fields, providing detailed information about your request. The process of opening a new ticket involves the customer filling out the following form, indicating in this order:

    i.                     Group membership,

    ii.                   Problem (subgroup that best categorizes their request),

    iii.                  Title,

    iv.                  Text (description of the issue),

    v.                    Any attached files or documents,

    vi.                  Click on ???Create??? button.


  • Upon successful submission, the Customerr will receive a confirmation message (via email) and his newly created ticket will be visible within the "My Tickets" section in the "Overviews" Dashboard reachable from main page.
  • The

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