Recently Updated Pages
Checking available product offerings and catalogues
All the available (Launched) offerings appear in the Search page of the website, so they can be s...
Checking marketplace's landing information
Customers can also check the information provided on the website's home page. The first thing th...
How to manage profile and billing information
All the users of the system can configure their profile, so they can configure their personal inf...
How to log in as an organization and manage session changes
The Business API Ecosystem supports organizations as defined by the FIWARE IdM. These organizatio...
Within a category, you'll find books. Books are like containers for documentation on a specif...
Changing the shelves visualization
On the right side of the page, there is a button called either "List view" or "Grid View", clicki...
Knowledgebase Sections
Upon login, the user gets directed to the 'Shelves' area of the knowledgebase.These are the c...
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Camera Not Activating for QR Scan If the camera does not activate when you attempt to use the Sc...
4. Submission and verification of Documentation
Required Documentation Once you have completed the Company Information Form, you will have to su...
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5. Signing the Marketplace Terms and Conditions
After the documentation submitted has been validated, it is essential to review and agree to the ...
How to: Request profile change
To make a profile change request, you must open a web browser and go to the URL: https://tick...
How to: Create a new account
The procedure for requesting an account is as follows: • Open a web browser and go to the URL:...
How to: access Helpdesk Platform
To access the customer support and ticketing platform within the DOME project, simply open a web ...
Non-electronic submission of Intellectual Property Rights infringement claims
Although the electronic communication channel provided above is the most expedited way to contact...
Electronic Intellectual Property Rights infringement notification
The DOME Marketplace respects all intellectual property rights. If you are an individual or an e...
6. Generation of LEAR Verifiable Credentials
The verifiable credentials are used in the Marketplace to as the unique login mechanism, for they...
3. Launching the Onboarding process
Registration Process in the Marketplace Request for provisional account creation To start the p...
How to: open a new request
Creating a new ticket within the DOME project's customer support and ticketing platform is a stra...
How to: create new Organization/add user to existing Organization
For a user, belonging to an Organization allows him to have visibility of all the tickets opened ...