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6. Generation of LEAR Verifiable Credentials
The verifiable credentials are used in the Marketplace to as the unique login mechanism, for they...
4. Submission and verification of Documentation
Required Documentation Depending on whethter you sign them digitally or manually you will be req...
LEAR appointment revocation process
Why to revoke the appointment of a LEAR? Within the DOME Marketplace, the Legal Entity Appointed...
Main Functionalities of the Wallet
QR Scan Functionality General Use: The QR Scan function is used to scan QR codes provid...
3. Launching the Onboarding process
When you enter into the DOME Marketplace landing page, click on the 'Register' button, at the u...
How to qualify a product
The DOME certification qualification process is one of the steps in the Product Specification pro...
DOME certification qualification process
The DOME platform will provide means to qualify products in the Marketplace with respect to their...
2. Prerequisites for Onboarding
Eligibility Verification Before launching the onboarding process, make sure that you meet the ...
1. Introduction
Purpose of the Guide This guide is designed to facilitate the onboarding process for new Cloud...
How to recover an expired qualification
When any of the verified certifications is about to expire (2 months in advance) the service owne...
How to check for a product qualification
The information of the compliance profile will be available in the market place, including the DO...
DOME certification baseline
DOME marketplace will foster the adherence to the upcoming Cloud Rule Book. The EU Cloud Rulebook...
5. Signing the Marketplace Terms and Conditions
Contract Signing After your documentation is verified and you are notified of approval, either y...
Project Aims and Benefits
Project Aims The aim of DOME to support businesses and public organisations digital transfor...
Information consent form
Information about your involvement and your rights In this case, your participation will consis...
Other features
Navigation Menu: On the left of the page, there is a column containing both your recently viewed...
Open and easy to integrate
DOME will be provided as open source and will be based on open standards.The main distinctive fea...
Catalogue composition
At the core of the DOME marketplace is the DOME catalogue.The DOME catalogue has been designed to...
Marketplace taxonomy
DOME can manage different types of marketplaces: Pure Independent Marketplaces: These are mar...
A federation of European marketplaces
DOME aims to create a network of European marketplaces that work together to streamline service p...